FLTK has already 16 fonts which can be found in enums::Font:
- Helvetica
- HelveticaBold
- HelveticaItalic
- HelveticaBoldItalic
- Courier
- CourierBold
- CourierItalic
- CourierBoldItalic
- Times
- TimesBold
- TimesItalic
- TimesBoldItalic
- Symbol
- Screen
- ScreenBold
- Zapfdingbats
It also allows loading system and bundled fonts.
System fonts depend on the system, and are not loaded by default. These can be loaded using the App::load_system_fonts() method. The fonts can then be acquired using the app::fonts() function or be queried using the app::font_count(), app::font_name() and app::font_index() functions. And then can be used using the Font::by_index() or Font::by_name() methods.
use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; fn main() { let app = app::App::default().load_system_fonts(); // To load a font by path, check the App::load_font() method let fonts = app::fonts(); // println!("{:?}", fonts); let mut wind = window::Window::default().with_size(400, 300); let mut frame = frame::Frame::default().size_of(&wind); frame.set_label_size(30); wind.set_color(enums::Color::White); wind.end();; println!("The system has {} fonts!\nStarting slideshow!", fonts.len()); let mut i = 0; while app.wait() { if i == fonts.len() { i = 0; } frame.set_label(&format!("[{}]", fonts[i])); frame.set_label_font(enums::Font::by_index(i)); app::sleep(0.5); i += 1; } }
If you would like to load a bundled font without it being in the system, you can alternatively use Font::load_font() and Font::set_font(), this allows you to replace one of FLTK's predefined fonts with a custom font:
use fltk::{app, enums::Font, button::Button, frame::Frame, prelude::*, window::Window}; fn main() { let app = app::App::default(); let font = Font::load_font("angelina.ttf").unwrap(); Font::set_font(Font::Helvetica, &font); app::set_font_size(24); let mut wind = Window::default().with_size(400, 300); let mut frame = Frame::default().with_size(200, 100).center_of(&wind); let mut but = Button::new(160, 210, 80, 40, "Click me!"); wind.end();; but.set_callback(move |_| frame.set_label("Hello world"));; }
load_font() loads the font from the .ttf file, set_font() replaces Font::Helvetica (FLTK's default font) with our loaded font.