Input & Output
Input and Output widgets implement the InputExt trait. These are found between the input and output modules:
- Input
- IntInput
- FloatInput
- MultilineInput
- SecretInput
- FileInput
- Output
- MultilineOutput
The hallmark of this trait is that these widgets have a textual value which can be queried using the value() method, and changed using the set_value() method:
use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; fn main() { let a = app::App::default(); let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(400, 300); let flex = group::Flex::default().with_size(100, 100).column().center_of_parent(); let label = frame::Frame::default().with_label("Enter age"); let input = input::IntInput::default(); let mut btn = button::Button::default().with_label("Submit"); flex.end(); win.end();; btn.set_callback(move |btn| { println!("your age is {}", input.value()); });; }
Notice that we used an IntInput to limit ourselves to integral values. Even though for the user they can't enter strings, the return of value() is still a String as far as the developer is concerned.
Output widgets don't allow the user to modify their values:
use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; fn main() { let a = app::App::default(); let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(400, 300); let flex = group::Flex::default().with_size(200, 50).column().center_of_parent(); let label = frame::Frame::default().with_label("Check this text:"); let mut output = output::Output::default(); output.set_value("You can't edit this!"); flex.end(); win.end();;; }
Input widgets also support being made read-only using the InputExt::set_readonly(bool) method:
use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; fn main() { let a = app::App::default(); let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(400, 300); let flex = group::Flex::default().with_size(100, 100).column().center_of_parent(); let label = frame::Frame::default().with_label("Enter age"); let mut input = input::IntInput::default(); let mut btn = button::Button::default().with_label("Submit"); flex.end(); win.end();; btn.set_callback(move |btn| { println!("your age is {}", input.value()); input.set_readonly(true); });; }
This makes our input read-only once the user hits the button.